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Yoga-Where Do I Start?

By: Charry Morris: Yoga Instructor
Designer of the Yoga Weight Loss System

To achieve weight loss with Yoga, it is necessary to bring the mind to a state of focus and concentration. The philosophy then tells us that yoga recommends five steps to help the mind learn to concentrate:

1. It is necessary to develop an interest because the mind cannot focus if it has no interest in some object.
                  (I know this won't be a problem...you're here because you're interested.  So, step 1, complete!)
2. Attention can then be paid, voluntarily focusing on the object directed by intention or willpower.
3. Practice, or regular repetition of focus, must then take place.
4. Once your yoga practice is established, a level of skill must be developed. Whatever is being done with an alert                      yet calm body, the breath composed and regular, in a way that displays confidence and competence. In accord                        with the definition of yoga, it should be possible to attain the set goal without distraction or deviation.
5. Finally, whatever is being done can be done with an air of complete detachment, or uninvolvement, as if the task
   at hand is capable of doing itself without the participation of the actor-almost as if someone else is doing it and it
   is simply being witnessed.

This last phase helps to create the calm, emotionally balanced state that yoga seeks.

Beginning.  You've begun.

You enter the yoga room, or, the room in which you do yoga.  You see people doing their practice if in a public place. They stand on their heads, stand on their arms, and turn their bodies in improbable twists and bends. You see yourself in the mirror.  You think despairingly, I can’t do that!

Then your teacher says, “Once they couldn’t do it either.”

You start your yoga.

You do a little, do what you can. Next time, you do a little more. It’s obvious isn’t it? You start your yoga. You stand in the first standing pose, tadasana. Just stand. Stand straight. Stand straight and still. And begin to learn all the adjustments you can make- balance, symmetry, alignment, ascension.

The adjustments you make, even in the pose, the awareness you bring to it, can be refined infinitely. You only need one asana to understand asana, as you only need one poem to understand poetry.

You start.

You remember what Hemingway said: “All you have to do is write one true sentence. Write the truest sentence you know.”

You write a sentence. You rewrite the sentence. You write the sentence another way. You begin to know the ways just once sentence can be written.

Commitment.  You commit to your yoga!  This is an exciting decision that you just made! Congratulations.

So you have taken the first step and another step. Then one day, the next step presents itself.

Yoga says: “You can’t just ‘try it and see’ anymore. It won’t work until you dedicate a portion, a part, of your life.” This is the moment of choice. This is the commitment. This inspiration to maintain your commitment is always before you.

Excerpt taken from Iyengar: The Yoga Master
"If you can take the first step and begin the momentum rolling in a positive direction, the next steps are easier. In the beginning it is sheer will power and determination to live differently that will get you to your yoga mat. You will always find yourself hitting road blocks and becoming frustrated as you plateau and even go backwards in your practice, but knowing that what is on the other side of the mat, resisting the cookie, getting beyond the rut of your bad habits, will keep you persevering. Yoga is endless in its applications to how you live your life. Yoga is bottomless in its depth of understanding and growth. Yoga is as vast and endless as the sky. Yoga is what is truly in your heart. Yoga is the path of action. Begin. Now."

So, the take-away from this is to begin.  Begin where you are.  Where you are is a great place to start. No excuses, just begin.  Begin with what is within you.  What is within you is the best for you to start.  No judgements, no stress. 

Be proud, you've begun!

Charry Morris,
Designer: Yoga Weight Loss System.
(Watch the video below to learn how I lost over 60 pounds with Yoga.)

PS-If you liked today's artice and know somebody that would benefit from reading it, feel to forward it on.  Myabe a co-
      worker, friends or family member? (They'll probably thank you for it.)

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