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Be A Warrior On and Off Your Mat

By: Charry Morris: Certified Yoga Instructor
Designer of the Yoga Weight Loss System

Whatever your intentions are when you begin yoga, somehow yoga works
on your mind, body, and spirit without you even realizing it.

Whether you do yoga to lose weight, to stretch tight hamstrings, or to
reach the highest goal of Self-realization, you will get what you desire.
For example, the warrior postures in yoga. They seem like simple
stretching and strengthening exercises. They may even be familiar to
us from gym class when we were kids. But the subtle effects that they
have on your body and psyche are profound, yet almost imperceptible
while in the poses.

The Sanskrit name for Warrior Pose is Virabhadrasana.
(This page has more about the origins and story of Virabhadra.)

There are three variations of Warrior Pose which we do and each one
is a great stretch.

Warrior I opens the hips, hip flexors and spine.

Warrior II opens the inner thighs and chest.

Warrior III stretches the hamstrings.

The Warrior poses are also great for toning and strengthening. They tone the thigh muscles, the back, the core, and the shoulders. They also strengthen your heart muscle, especially Warrior III.

Lastly, the Warrior poses go beyond the physical to the mental state. They radically challenge your balance, your courage, your awareness of your own truth. They clarify and define your purpose in this life.

If you are doing yoga to lose weight, these poses are essential. If you are cross-training, these poses are fundamental to maintaining the length and strength of your muscles. If you are on your mat to evolve to the highest state of Self you can reach, these postures will help you stay devoted to your path.

Charry Morris,
Designer: Yoga Weight Loss System.
(Watch the video below to learn how I lost over 60 pounds with Yoga.)

PS-If you liked today's artice and know somebody that would benefit from reading it, feel to forward it on.  Myabe a co-
      worker, friends or family member? (They'll probably thank you for it.)
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Warrior I Pose
Warrior II Pose